The best Digital Store ever: high quality music at low cost


Our digital store Internet of Music offers – at very low prices – the possibility to download music for audiophiles, namely at very high quality. Our music is in 24-bit wave file format. (While a normal cd has a quality that never exceeds 16 bits).

The strength of our digital store is definitely the relationship between value (very high) and the price (very low).


audiophiles sound systemThe true Audiophiles is a great music lover.
For this reason he aspires to hear music reproduced in the best conditions, or in the closest match to reality. From the sound system he demands the great illusion, the deceit of the senses, the same emotions that offers live music, the sweetness of a female voice, the impact of a rock band or of a large orchestra and the delicacy of a classical guitar arpeggios.

He’s not very interested in the technical in itself, in the watts, in the distortion, in jitter and so on and so forth. For him the important thing is the End, not the Mean.
As the inexperienced has no certainties but he only knows that to arrive at the correct musical reproduction the ways ahead may be many and very different. He never takes as being the truth what others tell him, including magazines, and he sifts everything with his ears and his experience.
Easily he falls in love for HiFi equipments which, for one reason or another, give him the emotions that he’s looking for.


For liquid music we refers to a musical playback mode that is independent from traditional media and becomes dematerialized: the compact disc, the cassette, vinyl are replaced with digital files in WAV, FLAC, AIFF, MP3, and similars.

audiophiles-sound-system-01The first format to become famous to the masses was the compressed MP3 format which, in a few Megabytes, allowed us to store an entire music album, albeit with obvious compression levels.

If this listening modality could be adapted to a portable player, the famous MP3, definitely it was not of satisfactory quality for the evolved audiophile, that would have never agree to a compromise like listening to compressed music material.

Over time, however, thanks to the availability of hard disk with greater storage capacity and greater memorization, the MP3 format has begun to be replaced to codification without loss of quality, that kept unaltered the original musical message.

Here, then, that WAV format begin to establish themselves (the native format of Compact Disc Audio) and the innovative FLAC format (low occupation of space, but without losses due to compression of the musical message).

Some Audiophiles Sound Systems Set-Up

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In this video you can listen to an Internet of Music track with a
JBL Hartsfield manufactured in 1955 (team KENRICK done mod & tune-up).

You can buy high quality music in our digital store here!


About Author

Internet of - Music magazine, news and internet radio.

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